Thursday, December 20, 2007


Hi all. Got back last night so I didn't send these out then. We had a great time and the car ride was not that bad, at least not with two drivers (thanks Monica for giving me a nice long rest in the middle of Arizona.) Here are some pics. Hope you all enjoy. I can print some or send full size files. I won't be offended if no one wants. Just making the offer.

Liam, moments after the next picture. Rather proud of himself, I think.

Juggling everything in mid air.

I can do this, says Fred. And he could!

I can do this, says Sam. And she could too!

What should I do for my next trick?

Off to the lovely park to watch Liam climb the very fancy monkey bars.

Up he goes, on the way to the top.

Can you stand it? Bisbee's wondering where's Buddy? Sorry, Buddy, next time.

All that comes to mind is, "the usual suspects." I like both this one and the one above anyway.

Just to prove we've had an In & Out burger to everyone (well OK, just Brett) I asked a stranger to take this shot of us in Thousand Palm, Ca. Come to think of it, he probably thought we were the strange ones.

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